Saturday, January 8, 2011

Youth in Revolt: Revoltingly Good

For no apparent reason funny smart comedies almost always gets a high score from me. Judging from what I think my criteria is, I guess I just want a good movie with good elements and with also a clear understanding of what they want to movie to be. In this novel turned movie entitled YOUTH IN REVOLT. The novel was written by C.D. Payne and revolves around Nick Twisp. He goes into the journey of maturity as he meets the girl of his wonderful hormone controlled dreams.

Like any other novel turned movie, people consider it failure in capturing the book itself. I mean really, isn't that the point we have two different media? For the most part I think the movie totally funny and I have to commend Cera for moving forward with a movie like this. Thankfully he actually did a good job with both his self and an alter ego which by the way may give him more roles that require a lot of smoking.

The thought of undying love actually feels fictional to me however the movie shows another side of that which of course is blended with black humor and underwear; all baked into wondrous goodness minus the cheese. The course of the movie was a little of the edge in the middle but to sum it all up it still lived up to its post-Napoleonic eccentricity.

I give it four big ones.

Best time to watch: After some partying or a long walk with a not so interesting person. I am sure you will like having a better alter ego.

Movie in a word: Hormones.

Devil: Cunning in the Darkness

First and foremost I would like to remind the readers that there is nothing wrong with your screen when you watch this movie, the beginning is upside down and yes it is an attempt to make the movie look innovative and cooler. If you ask me Inception left these scars and mandated the obvious fact that a truly unique and twisted movie is the way to go for this generation minus of course De Caprio's fake sounding accents. So if they did this to get the audience thrilling for more, I think it did kind of steal my attention.

The movie is concentrated on the black darkness that instills everyone; including people who work in Hypermarket. They all look so perky and happy in green, "HAPPY SHOPPING".

Even if you don't get to see the beginning credits you will definitely feel the Shyamalan Thing going on. The darkness, the whispers, old ladies and of course anxiety; fear of the unknown. Though Shyamalan had utter fail in The Last Airbender, I guess he still deserves a clap for me since I was duly impressed with the Lady in the Water.

The movie is set on an elevator, a super treat for the claustrophobic and couch potatoes who hate the stairs. Me, belonging to the latter. The plot was great since it actually led me to believe the usual; its someone you least expect but it ended up that the havoc was caused by someone who you have expected but then not, but then it was really that person.

Just watch the movie.

Overall I def give it 3 popcorns for the fact that the camera shot was upside down in the beginning and that the ending was you are at the edge of your seat whats gonna happen next finales. What I liked most about the movie is it's cunning use of SOUND. The part where the lights just flicker and they go out like that 5ive song baby when the lights go out, you will definitely feel the presence. That's authentic especially in this part the filmmaker is making you feel and hear the presence rather than letting you just see it; eye popping 3d of the mind. Oh and yes, after hours the one smart guy figured out that cellphones work as good light sources in the dark. YEHEY!

The characters looked genuine and yes, a macho guys cries; very dramatic. So in the tradition of I SEE DEAD PEOPLE, I definitely see a good movie.

Best time to watch: When it's cold and you are too lazy to go to church on a Sunday. It makes you think otherwise.

Movie in a Word: Darkness

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You Don't Know Jack; Needs Some Knowing

Do you see that smirk? Sardonic smile you say? Yes that is the master of the arts himself, leader of the mafia (well at least in the movies) and star of one of the old films that I really like (Dog Day Afternoon), Al Pacino. He ain't doin' the accent on this film nor is he making an offer you can’t refuse, this movie is a melodramatic almost black comedy with a touch of freehand camera movements and sensitive issues of the right to die. My oh my does Al Pacino act like he lived Jack’s life in You Don't Know Jack.

I would like to applaud HBO for adding another great movie in their already long roster of awarded films including Real Women Got Curves and Something the Lord Made which are all just so amazing. This one of course is a movie that not everyone will be comfortable to watch. If you happen to like movies that open your mind then this movie is for you. It is centered on the life of the infamous, or at least in the US, Jack “Dr. Death Krevorkian”. Dr. Death, as the name implies, supports and has done a few patient assisted suicides. He was once discussed in our psychology class and because of that I had a spurt of interest on this guy. He once posted on an advertisement, “Want to Die A Dignified Death? Call Dr. Krevorkian.” Now that is customer pulling advertising! I need not tell you about the story and everything, but I am sure you must know this movie and watch it. Susan Sarandon fans you are in for a treat as the veteran actress once again becomes stunning because of her versatility.

The joyful theme while death approaches the patients kicks in a little bit of cunning atmosphere and a light feeling of letting go (fade away). Now that is MANICOMIO!

I am giving it full blast 5 popcorns and a drink. POPSSSSS and SIZZLES!

Best Time To Watch: When you finally decide that you want a better outlook after stressful events like break-ups or failed exams. You can move on with the film. Just ask Jack how. *wink

Movie in a word: Death.

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Easy A; Not So Easy, its a Chick Flick with an A+

I know someone who watched this movie in the cinemas and so I decided to give it a try. Emma Stone is a new name in lead roles and if I am not mistaken this is her first.

I saw this young lady in House Bunny and in one point I kind of mistake her for Emma in Glee, the used to be super famous TV series now turned OK its just Glee.

Note: she is sexier in this movie.

Emma is not the first to dedicate herself to high school issues such as bulleys, virginity and raging hormones following the footsteps of Lindsay Lohan and Bea Alonzo. (DUH, JUST KIDDING).

I like the part where she actually searches for CHIVALRY. Defining the platonic movies of the 80's where everything was cheesy; from love scenes to dance moves.

I remember my chemist teacher would always say, "Where is Chivalry?", when all she wanted was to have her bags carried to the next room. Histrionic things, manicomio likey.

I have to say that the movie is a good watch. Its funny, not in a situational kind of way, but Emma's Character, Olivia (insert funny last name here), is very entertaining. Her views, her ideals and her sarcasm. Something that the manicomio really really love. Sarcastica, where are you?

I give this movie 3 popcorns. POP POP POP.

Best Time to Watch: When you suddenly feel that people are talking about you because you got weird looking glasses or you have not been changing socks for so long.

Movie In A Word: Witty.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just Another Manic Wednesday/ Ebony and Irony

So here I am again in the blogging business. I decided that I should give my self a break from the Penis Enlargement articles and just revel myself on writing a blog.LOL

It has been a long time, and my past blogs we're really just impulsive and sometimes histrionic.

"Histrionic" not just a personality, also used as an adjective meaning overly dramatic"

So it is December 1, 24 days before Christmas and it is scorching hot outside. Oh tasty and savory irony, how I long to see you once in awhile.

In the past I would never get tired of writing blogs. I would visit the nearest internet cafe and enjoy ranting all my sentiments while keeping the tradition of allegories in blogs. Now that I have internet connection at home and got some new items, I thought I was gonna blog big time. Then again, it took me almost 6months to post a new blog. IRONY i tell you. She lurks around the corner.

Maybe its the exclusivity of posting online that fueled me to post and post and feel happy about it. I was really dedicated with my Friendster Blog and I almost got about 200 plus entries most of them trash and some of them trashier. :p

Then again, we meet Irony. I write for myself, and I write for people who want to read it.

"I ain't gonna force yoh to waste em time on my blog."

The best thing about irony is that it forces you to expose the truth no matter how it will hurt or even destroy you. Irony in life is the way for us to reveal but hide.

Word Web defines it as
"A trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs."

What do we expect? Irony maybe sometimes a soft voice or a boisterous laugh telling us, life is a surprise. You expect and you get frustrated. These days frustration gets a long way, its gets you to lie, pretend and even write a BLOG. :D

Ebony and Irony.