Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Easy A; Not So Easy, its a Chick Flick with an A+

I know someone who watched this movie in the cinemas and so I decided to give it a try. Emma Stone is a new name in lead roles and if I am not mistaken this is her first.

I saw this young lady in House Bunny and in one point I kind of mistake her for Emma in Glee, the used to be super famous TV series now turned OK its just Glee.

Note: she is sexier in this movie.

Emma is not the first to dedicate herself to high school issues such as bulleys, virginity and raging hormones following the footsteps of Lindsay Lohan and Bea Alonzo. (DUH, JUST KIDDING).

I like the part where she actually searches for CHIVALRY. Defining the platonic movies of the 80's where everything was cheesy; from love scenes to dance moves.

I remember my chemist teacher would always say, "Where is Chivalry?", when all she wanted was to have her bags carried to the next room. Histrionic things, manicomio likey.

I have to say that the movie is a good watch. Its funny, not in a situational kind of way, but Emma's Character, Olivia (insert funny last name here), is very entertaining. Her views, her ideals and her sarcasm. Something that the manicomio really really love. Sarcastica, where are you?

I give this movie 3 popcorns. POP POP POP.

Best Time to Watch: When you suddenly feel that people are talking about you because you got weird looking glasses or you have not been changing socks for so long.

Movie In A Word: Witty.

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