Saturday, January 8, 2011

Youth in Revolt: Revoltingly Good

For no apparent reason funny smart comedies almost always gets a high score from me. Judging from what I think my criteria is, I guess I just want a good movie with good elements and with also a clear understanding of what they want to movie to be. In this novel turned movie entitled YOUTH IN REVOLT. The novel was written by C.D. Payne and revolves around Nick Twisp. He goes into the journey of maturity as he meets the girl of his wonderful hormone controlled dreams.

Like any other novel turned movie, people consider it failure in capturing the book itself. I mean really, isn't that the point we have two different media? For the most part I think the movie totally funny and I have to commend Cera for moving forward with a movie like this. Thankfully he actually did a good job with both his self and an alter ego which by the way may give him more roles that require a lot of smoking.

The thought of undying love actually feels fictional to me however the movie shows another side of that which of course is blended with black humor and underwear; all baked into wondrous goodness minus the cheese. The course of the movie was a little of the edge in the middle but to sum it all up it still lived up to its post-Napoleonic eccentricity.

I give it four big ones.

Best time to watch: After some partying or a long walk with a not so interesting person. I am sure you will like having a better alter ego.

Movie in a word: Hormones.

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